

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The characters and what they look like/ who plays them.


First and most important in my opinion is Angel he is a vampire that was cursed with a soul when he was evil and went by the name Angelus. After being reinsouled he changed his name to Angel and fell in love with a vampire slayer. Needless to say it didn't work out and so he left on his own.

Where he came into contact with his sire again and the impossible happened. She became pregnant with his son Connor. Darla had to dust herself to bring him into the world.

Then there is Spike who also is a vampire. He went through the demon trials to gain his soul back and also feel in love with the same slayer that Angel feel for but it didn't work out for them either. Eventually he ended up working with Angel after sacrificing himself to save the world. He helped Angel fight the powers that be in a major battle during the last episode of Angel.

This is Connor who is my favorite character and the son of Angel. My stories are different because I feel that Connor had much more potential then the creator gave him. I didn't like what the creator did to Connor or any of his other characters so my stories will never have the bad stuff in it. I think Connor and Angel could have got along as father and son just fine if Angel hadn't kept trying to be his friend instead of his parent. Angels son was stolen from him and when Connor returned from the hell dimension Angel was more interested in winning Connor over because he knew that Connor hated him. But as I said my stories will be different and Angel and Connor will actually get a chance as father and son. The way they should have in the first place.

For now that's all the character's I've added into my stories I'm not putting up pics of each character I mostly wanted to post the one of Angel Connor and Spike since they are in most of my stories.

But I like Happy endings and the creator made sure they didn't get one so I am making my own version which is why it's called fanfiction and it is perfectly legal because I don't own the characters and I make no profit its just for entertainment and I've had no complaints from my readers on in fact they love my stuff so I must be doing something right. I just thought that I would post my stories on my blog too just to see what happens.